Happy 100! Flashback
Flashback to Brian and Jon at the end of HS, if Yin and Yang happened to be there… Yeah. Oh, and I’m drinking a chai in my black hoodie. All comfort stuff.
Flashback to Brian and Jon at the end of HS, if Yin and Yang happened to be there… Yeah. Oh, and I’m drinking a chai in my black hoodie. All comfort stuff.
When the whole Wii-breaking TV thing came out, I was highly amused and had a “wouldn’t it be funny if” moment.
In case you missed it, I’m an old-skool gamer. That means I still have my NES and Sega Genesis (and half an Atari), and I never bothered to upgrade. Mortal Kombat is one of my favourite games. I happened to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Girl geeks unite. Lots of people pictured, lots of people meant to be pictured.. But… They’re in the other room getting more ice cream.. And a couple people that I started drawing and then they turned into other people. Don’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yes, I play World of Warcrack Warcraft. Yes, I am a girl. Yes, I was a dwarven hunter named Helgaralf. It amused the shit out of me. No, I am no longer on that server nor am I Alliance any[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I have a secret arch nemesis, too. I don’t even know this person, they probably don’t even know me, but thanks to Ingress, I feel super-hero-ey.
Damnit, Mikey, you wouldn’t start looking so much like Matt Smith if he didn’t remind me of you in the first place. *kicks rock*