Wow, that was quite the rush. I couldn’t watch the end of the countdown for the’s 10th Birthday Book Indiegogo Campaign, because I was afraid I’d wet my pants with all the excitement. How’d we do? We made it to $890 of the $5k proposed, so 17.9% funded! Not bad. ALMOST covered the cost of printing. If I go with the printer I want to, that should be fine as I’ll be able to have a couple extra copies to sell at PHXCC since their minimum order is more than what people pre-bought so that I can make up the balance. I have to keep one for my mom, because, well, she’s my mom, and that means about 19 paperbacks and about 15 hardcovers with shiny dustjackets. I’m still trying to figure out pricing, but no more digital copies will be offered with the books.

WITH THAT SAID, now it’s on to PHOENIX COMICON!!! *crowd cheer*

I will be a panelist for Thursday’s The World of Froud: You Remind Me of the Babe panel at 7:30pm with Tim (the guy behind Dill) and Amy, where we talk about the wonderful works of Brian, Wendy, and Toby Froud.

Friday is Webcomics 101 with Val, Kevin, Frank, and Patrick at 4:30pm. We’ll be answering questions about the basics of how to start up, where to get hosting, what we use, etc. etc.