For every Yang there is a Yin… And this Yin did the attacking first. Quite shocking, really. Anyways, after waking up to a huge gash under the eye, I decided Yang needed a friend. Enter: Yin.
Posts Tagged Animals
Shut Up, You Like It
Yang was severely pissed that I got another cat. He quieted down a bit once Yin decided to come out from under my bed.
Happy 100! Flashback
Flashback to Brian and Jon at the end of HS, if Yin and Yang happened to be there… Yeah. Oh, and I’m drinking a chai in my black hoodie. All comfort stuff.
I’ve always had lots of animals growing up. I realised just how much I had missed waking up to a full bed when I went home and got to “sleep in my own bed” from long ago.
Post-Anneliese’s-Wedding conversation with my mom. Unfortunately, as the number of my single friends dwindles, I’ve started wondering that very same question myself.
One of the reasons I went with a laptop is because Yang couldn’t crawl on top of my monitor any more.
Lazer Kitteh
This actually really happened. I’m sure it was much more funny in real life, but because of my cats, this amuses me more every time I retell the story. I think it was Yang’s look that cracked me up the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Never did I think I would utter that sentence in my life. Thanks, Jesse, for deleting my last shred of dignity.