Archive for majorxero
Orion and G
Yup. This happened. We all knew it would. How I wiiiiiish. And yes, I spelled it wrong. I fail to care. I hand lettered that.
Can’t Reach
AKA “Trapped”. Really happened last night. My dinner was cold before the buggers released me. Whatevs. At least they didn’t try to eat it this time.
I promise I’m not usually this mean. And G isn’t usually that… Startled. I don’t always drink chai… But when I don’t, it’s mocha (and a really bad day).
The part I didn’t draw was Jess and G were sitting behind me.. And then in panel 4 were laughing their asses off.
Just Hitched
Comics are slowly getting caught up. Why the break? WEDDING! Duh! 😉 It was a really great experience and we had so much fun. Only regret is not having a Time Turner to spend more individual time with people. 🙂