The humanoids:
Em²a Cartoon

Em²a Cartoon
Em²a is an artist with wild grandiose idealistic views of how the world should be. She’s an animal lover and a hermit. She tends to speak with nearby animals, listen to the trees, and drop and hug grass fields at whimsy. She tends to observe things that others don’t, which allows her to find humor in weird places.
Mandy Lidner

Mandy (AKA “Mando”)
Mandy became one of Em²a’s best friends when they survived drawing class and art history together at ASU. When Mandy returned from bootcamp for the Air Force, Em²a, Mikey, Orion, and she found a house to rent together. She owns Sonny, the poofball of doom, and has a mean left hook. Her art form of choice is photography and charcoal.
Mikey Moore

The Mike-ster (not really)
Mikey, Mandy, and Em²a were all in the same drawing class, where they met and became fast friends. An easy going hippie-surfer dude, he manages to put up with the girls’ antics and keep up with their sarcastic banter. His art form of choice is ceramics and sculpture.

The Greek God
Orion is a shape-shifting Starman of old, the warrior behind the constellation, and Em²a’s imaginary boyfriend. In exchange for saving her life, Em²a has been tasked with teaching him how to be human. His art form of choice is imagination.

The Hubby
The one who captured Em²a’s heart and introduced Sam and Ash cats. Witty, charming, geeky, and overall a pretty nice guy. Comes Yang approved (and let’s face it, that’s all that matters).
The fuzzies:

Feline Lord & Master
Yang is believed to be a mixture of Egyptian Mau, Siamese, and Maine Coon. He is sable in colour (blackish, but red in the sun), with a white tuft of fur on his chest, and a white V on his tummy. He is small in stature partially due to an undetected parasite early in life, but gains a couple pounds in the winter months. He chose Em²a as his human when he was a mere 4 weeks old. He considers her as his mother, and no human may dare interfere. He rules the brood with an iron fist, is very intelligent, and tends to be a trickster.

The Playful One
Yin is a accidental Snowshoe cat (Siamese + American Shorthair, no pedigree), having started out white, but developing his colouring later. His bright blue eyes are crossed, that can give him an appearance of being unintelligent, which he uses to his advantage. He is very needy of attention and often attacks anything that moves. He considers chose Em²a as his human pillow and pettins-giver.

Fuzzy Doom +3
A high energy puffball, Sonny is Mandy’s Pomeranian companion. He likes balls, long walks in the park, and jumping into your lap whether a cat is already there or not.

The Pretty Girl
Jesse was rescued from the pound by Em²a. She was an older full-blooded Siberian Husky, who is known for escaping and having adventure of her own. Her favourite game was “You Can’t Catch Me,” and her favourite toy was a plush mallard duck. Cancer her took her across the Rainbow Bridge January, 26, 2013.

Ball of Energy
Our Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix. Pronounced “Breck”, and is named after the dashing Scottish hero, Ailean Breic Steubbart (Allen Breic Stewart). “Breic” is “spotted” in Gaelic, so, his name is essential “Spot,” but all cool-ified. Breicy had a rough start in life, before his FirstMom rescued him from the end of a chain. She got him all trained up, even with his first herding title and everything, but he just didn’t get enough attention competing with his former siblings. Em²a and G adopted him and brought him home to be their only dog, where his only competition for attention are cats – and they don’t need nearly as much attention as 2 other dogs do. Full of energy and life, he brightens up and excites the household, impressing us (and kind of the cats) with his herding ability.
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